Even though Nickel has fallen a bit since it hit the 6.60 range last week, it is holding steady between the 6.00 and 6.50 range like it has been the past few months.
HSS M1 has made somewhat of a comeback. There is weak demand still, however it is sell-able. As for HSS M2 and M42 solids, their demand remains steady and turnings are just as desirable.
Tungsten Carbide has been relatively strong the past 6 weeks after tapering off a bit at the end of 2013.
Currently Greystone is looking for stainless turnings as well as Nickel Chrome and Nickel Chrome Moly turnings. If you have any of this material available along with Tungsten Carbide or Tool Steel, please feel free to give us a call for current pricing.
Hope everyone is enjoying the calendar. If you haven’t received one, give us a call!